How To Get Rid of Chipmunks

If you want to try to remove the chipmunks yourself, read my Do It Yourself guide.
If you want to hire a professional to help you, go to my Hire a Pro page.
If you do hire a company, you can read my How Much Does Chipmunk Removal Cost? page.

Seeing an individual chipmunk will often make them appear to be cute and friendly animals, and although they do have a nice nature they can become a big problem. Chipmunks are small squirrels that will have a distinctive stripe down their back, and when they infest your property or garden they can have a significant impact on the plants and fruits there. Although chipmunks will often be able to eat insects and worms, their main food source is that of fruit and plants, and in the domestic garden there are many treats for a chipmunk to eat.

Trapping And Removing Chipmunks
Similarly to the solutions that will be on offer to homeowners and businesses for dealing with other rodents, there are lethal and non-lethal solutions that can be used to deal with a chipmunk problem. The use of lethal traps to deal with chipmunks can be one effective way of making sure that the particular animal doesn’t come back, but it is important to look for one which will be quick.

Animals in pain can often be a horrible sight to see as well as being likely to cause a lot of noise, which is why many people prefer humane methods. Another problem with lethal trapping is that you will have to dispose of the carcass, which will need to be done with care because chipmunks will often have diseases and parasites.

There are many humane trappers who will prefer to use live traps to catch the animals and then to release them far away from the property. For the most part chipmunks are solitary animals so it will usually only require one trap, and these will usually be baited by the kind of fruits and nuts that are favored by them. They generally prefer wooded areas so it is best to consider releasing them into a forested area for those who want to be humane in their treatment of the animals.

Repelling Chipmunks From Your Home And Garden
There are many products that are sold in hardware stores and online that promise to be unpleasant for chipmunks and will help to keep them away, but even the best of these will need to be applied regularly, and will also be unreliable as a permanent solution. These repellents are more likely to deter chipmunks that are pregnant or have young ones, as they will be concerned about the safety of an area.

The real solution to ensuring that you won’t have chipmunks in your home and garden is to make sure that it is not somewhere that they will want to go to. This can be achieved by making sure that there is very little fruit on the floor if you have fruit trees, and to remove anything like seeds and other items they can eat from the garden. Chipmunks may seem like a small and innocent animal, but the reality of having one in your garden will be that there are many different pockets of food dug around your garden, and any fruit or plants that can be eaten will be eaten.

Trying to get rid of chipmunks can be quite frustrating for people who are unfamiliar with trapping animals, but the benefits of getting rid of the animal can far outweigh the effort of trapping them. Chipmunks certainly have a positive image in the mainstream media, mainly because of the phenomenal success of Alvin and the Chipmunks. However, their presence in the garden can be a big problem, and in extreme cases they can burrow under your home and cause problems among the foundations that can seriously destabilize your property. Chipmunk Biology and Information: Squirrels in general and chipmunks in particular have been regarded as the animals of attractiveness in ancient literature. North America is inhabited heavily by Chipmunks and the species is generally far from the infamous ‘threatened’ tag. You would be startled to know that the ‘chipmunks’ got their name coined due to the chipping sound of birds they characteristically make.

Chipmunks, as hinted above are the symbol of cuteness. Their elongated front tooth has been their most salient characteristic since the beginning of time. The fur is of great attraction as well, as it is found in multifarious colors including black, brown and other. The colors might not be as characteristic, however there is one thing that makes their fur particularly identifiable even by the dummies- it’s the unique pattern of the stripes on the fur. They are smaller in size the 10 centimeters being the average size. All these features make Chipmunks a great prospect for the liking of children, and hence a reason why they are epitomized in cartoons.

This might seem to be trivial to many, but even the experts unanimously agree that the biological features of chipmunks are quite unusual. To begin with, contrary to the popular belief, these are mammalians. Their Genus is said to be Tamias- again not according to the common belief of chipmunks being associated with the gophers and their respective genus. Over the past few years these misinterpretations have been rectified as a result of experts, and most animal records today put forward the authentic details. Their breeding is quite similar to what other mammals follow. Reproduction rates are on the verge of being labeled as ‘fast’. You would again be astounded to know that the offspring of chipmunks are devoid of any fur on their body, and more surprisingly with even the least of vision. Things get to the normal once they age on! The enchantment of the nature!

Life Cycle:
The life cycle of chipmunks could range from 10 to 15 years. Besides their personal satisfaction, chipmunks also contribute positively to their ecology. They eradicate different kinds of fungi they encounter with, and also form a positive part in the ‘seeding establishment’. Their mating, as hinted above in the ‘biology’ part is quite regular and could range from twice to ten times a year or even greater.

The habitat of chipmunks is usually the woodlands. Therefore, this suit well to the feeding and reproductive patterns. Forests in particular are of great importance to chipmunks. North America and Asia have substantial amount of habitats for chipmunks.

As you might easily presume, ‘nuts’ are most preferred form of food by the chipmunks. The kind of nuts does not really matter a much, just a hard-to-crack nut would suffice the appetite of normal chipmunk. However, they are not herbivore too, but omnivore in general. Fruits, berries and insects make a good meal of chipmunks. Eating bird eggs is a notorious side of them and could be linked to the behavioral inclination in the next paragraph.

The behavior of chipmunks, as could be related to most squirrels is quite ‘active’ and vigilant. Chipmunks are considered to be wayward in nature and quite chirpy in behavior. They are quick on their feet and run like a splinter athletes- moving quickly to a smaller distance before pausing, and so on.

Do You Need Help?
I wrote this website to provide information on How To Get Rid of Chipmunks in the case that you have a chipmunk problem and need to make an informed decision about what to do. If you have any questions you may email me, but I do know from experience that chipmunk removal is not simple. If you need professional help solving your wildlife conflict, I recommend that you talk to a professional chipmunk control expert in your town by clicking on my National Wildlife Control directory, which lists experts who I recommend in every USA city and town who can help you with your chipmunk issue.

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